Our advanced program consists of three months of in-board training. The student will come to our facility after the age of 5 months old and will learn a variety of commands that will ensure they are a pleasure to be around for years to some. Sit, Stay, Here, Heel and Place are just some of these commands. The students will learn to be under control in off leash environments with multiple distractions and to enjoy working with respect to the commands and the gallery. While this program is very similar to the basic program, it has its major differences when it comes to distractionary training. It includes an additional month in which we will train your dog to be aware of urban environments, dog park interaction, introduction to sidewalks and streets, How to behave in crowds and more. At the end of the program owners will be transitioned into control of the pet and taught how to continue to reinforce commands. This is also a preferred program of choice for dogs with extreme behavior issues as it allows more time to target these issues and prepare scenarios to work towards the goal of eliminating frequency of these unwanted behaviors. We also recommend this program to any of our clients that wish to have a service dog but want to take on the public access part of training themselves as there is a solid foundation of obedience built to begin a good building block on making it more successful for a do-it-yourselfer!
Concerned about the thought of leaving your pet for two months? Read our blog explaining why it could be a good thing!!!
3 Months
$3125.00 includes training and boarding fees + THIS PRICE COVERS THE COST OF YOUR PETS NEW TRAINING COLLAR - A $200.00 Value
Altamaha Canine Consulting LLC.