Altamaha Canine Consulting LLC. is located in the heart of South Georgia where the Pine trees meet the sand hills off the banks of the Satilla River. Our kennels are 3/4 enclosure with a bath and grooming area. We have a 2500 sq ft airing yard that our guests are given privilege to every morning and evening to stretch their legs
Directions to Altamaha Canine Consulting LLC.
Coming from SSI
Street Address: 99 Flatwoods Road, Screven, GA
Mapquest, Google Maps and SIRI will route you correctly to the traffic light at the intersection of Highways 301 and 32 to the Friendly Express at 19144 US-301, Hortense, GA 31543
From here, if you don’t follow these instructions to get to the training facility, you’ll be taken down poor quality dirt roads. This is the longer but best way to get to us:
Right at flashing light at intersection of Highways 301 North and 32 (if coming from Highway 99(Saint Simons Island area). *Note – Highway 341 becomes Highway 99 – follow signs).
Travel straight to the town of Screven for 6.1 miles. At the light bear left onto Highways 38 & 84 – stay in the left lane. Travel 1.4 miles to Hortense Rd; take a left.
Travel 2.8 miles to Little Satilla Drive – look for a small Altamaha Canine Consulting LLC. on the left side of the road; take a left.
The training facility is down the road on your left (you’ll see the training pool) – take a left onto Flatwoods Road.
Altamaha Canine Consulting LLC.